Galipote World Music

Based in Yonkers NY
Entertainment Styles: Ethnic Music, Rock Band, World Music Band, Caribbean Music

Galipote   World Music - Caribbean Rock band.

While the band takes their name from a mystical folklore creature of the night, Galipote is anything but a nightmarish concoction. In fact, its deft and ease with various Caribbean rhythms and instruments of West Indian folklore, within a rock format that doesn’t shy away from the blues, makes Galipote a unique world beat rock band with a potent, high energy sonic recipe sure to delight even the most jaded of listeners.

A pesar de que que la banda toma su nombre de una criatura mística del folclore nocturno, Galipote es todo menos una pesadilla. De hecho, su destreza y facilidad con diversos ritmos caribeños e instrumentos del folklore de las Antillas, dentro de un formato rockero encariñado con el blues, hace de Galipote una banda de rock única; una potente receta sónica de alta energía para deleitar hasta a los gustos más exigentes.

