Outl*w Pete and the Shiftless Enablers

Based in Boise Idaho
Entertainment Styles: Country Band, Country and Western, Folk Band, Improv Comedy, Vaudeville Comedy

I'm a seasoned stage performer. Off the top of my head... I've done community theatre-level D-List character stage work; sang and frolicked along to G&S; did time in various church, school and community organization-type choirs; I've even fronted now-embarrassing garage bands in my time in front of a few fairly packed sleazy taverns, but I've never performed in public just me, and my guitar. Feel like I may be ready. Got an idea now, not just a collection of other peoples' songs.

The new act is me, a black acoustic Fender® and a single microphone. Lighting is hopefully equally circumspect; I'd like the spartan set to still be generally familiar-looking in shape and form. My new character's name was cribbed from a Bruce© tune, so I added a non-existent c/w backup band. I can easily change my stage name if unexpected success makes it an emergent issue at any time.

My c/w singer-character, Outl*w Pete, is a grizzled old fart, one foot usually out in the pasture grazing. He's Archie Bunker by way of Karl from "Sling Blade" crossed with 'most any later-period Tom Waits protagonist. He doesn't seem very closely in touch, nor particularly satisfied with, life in general, but most of his complaints are unintelligible. The set, whether two tunes or twenty, will always be structured so that the material, beyond being performed professionally vocally and impressively ineptly on guitar, is presented in a deliberate order and structure in an effort to leave the audience both feeling and thinking. Something...! Probably customize the set specifically for every gig. 

Not confident enough in my own material yet, but my setlist is deep and wide; allow me to drop a few names on ya. Hank Sr., Hank III, Elvis, Bruce, u2, Hoyt Axton, Hag and George Jones; Social Distortion, Violent Femmes; King Bob as well as my beloved Leonard Cohen; I do the Unicorn Song; a genuine c/w tearjerker made famous by David Allan Coe's recording of it; most all the Johnny Cash catalogue, John Prine and Steve Goodman; Dean Martin...

You gotta see my gig to get the idea. 


Land of Hope and Dreams (@brucespringsteen cover)
Rains On Me (Tom Waits_Chuck E. Weiss cover)
Kite (U2 cover, somewhat kinda)
You Never Even Call Me By Name (J. Prine_S. Goodman, songwriters)
Propinquity for Nez (written by Michael Nesmith)