Partly Jack

Based in Riverside CA
Entertainment Styles: Johnny Cash Tribute Act, Country and Western, Classic Rock Band, Original Band

Partly Jack was born of a group of friends that like to play music together. The range of influences between the four members creates quite an eclectic set list. We have a vast amount of musical knowledge and experience and that all swirls together to create a pleasant, cohesive groove. We play songs from many different genres, and we are always on the lookout for songs we feel will fit in with our ‘bandanality’. Our diversity works for us because each member commits to every single song. Partly Jack can play full sets of classic rock or classic country. We can mix them up. We also have Pop, Bluegrass, Blues, Americana, Children’s Music, Punk, Hard Rock, Alternative and Emo songs in our repertoire - including many originals. We have enough songs in our oeuvre to allow us to play for over 5 hours without repeats. We are also happy to learn specific songs for the folks who hire us!

We have four members:

Brandon – Drums and percussion

Chris – Upright and electric bass

Eric – Guitar and saxophone

Jay – Guitar and vocals

Walk the Line