Rio Rio

Based in Boca Raton FL

Rio Rio is the ultimate Duran Duran tribute band based in South Florida. This outstanding 7-piece band captures the essence and electrifying energy of the innovative pop/synth music of Duran Duran with remarkable precision and passion.   Our lead singer, Scott Keller, along with the impeccable backup harmonic vocals of Martha Castells reproduce the amazing vocal performances Duran Duran is known for.

With a repertoire including Duran Duran's best hits like "Rio," "Girls on Film," "Hungry Like the Wolf," "The Reflex," "View to a Kill," "Notorious," and many more, Rio Rio will transport you back to the iconic 80s era filled with catchy melodies and infectious beats. Featuring a lead vocalist, bass, drums, synth/keyboards, saxophone, percussion, and electronic drums, as well as a talented lead guitarist, this band is composed of experienced musicians who absolutely love what they do.

Rio Rio is available to rock your world at various events and venues. Whether it's a city amphitheater event, a restaurant/dinner show, a theater performance, a country club soirée, or a private/corporate party, this energetic band is ready to bring the 80s vibes to any occasion.

So, if you're yearning for a nostalgic experience filled with iconic Duran Duran hits and an incredible live performance, book Rio Rio now. Get ready to dance, sing along, and relive the magic of the 80s with this talented tribute band. Let the good times roll!