Saint Jacks Parade

Based in Portland Oregon
Entertainment Styles: Original Band, Alternative Band, Indie Rock Band, Rock Band, Classic Rock Band

Hello! We are Saint Jacks Parade!

We are a professional Rock band local to Portland, Oregon. We perform all of our own material which is a diverse blend of rock music, new alternative / Glam / arena / heavy rock, similar to Bauhaus / Peter Murphy, mixed with other flavors similar to Black Sabbath and Ronnie James Dio. We have performed at several venues here locally in Portland, and outside of Portland such as, Dante's, Refuge PDX, The World Famous Kenton Club, Cadigan's Corner Bar, Lucky's, The Analog, The LoveCraft Bar, Pioneer Family Festival (Oregon City), Duffy's Hangar (Salem, Oregon), The Sandy Hut, Malibu's in Vancouver, Washington, The Twilight Cafe & Bar, Music- Millennium, and most recently in Christmas Valley, Oregon at a music festival for the entire town.
There are 4 of us primary members to this band. Paul Davies on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, Regina LaRocca on lead guitar and back up vocals, Chatchay Ramone on the bass guitar, and Alan C. Smith on the Drums. We love the music, we love the stage, and we love each other, and all of that makes it a wondrous joy and so much fun to perform together. The comment we most often get from our fans is, "Wow, you guys are a really fun band!" We love that because "Fun" is always in trend, and if your audience is having "Fun", and seeing your performance as being "Fun", then we must be doing it right!

We're not only about having fun though. We're also very serious about our dream and about our goals, and moving forward into our future. We don't want to be anything typical as far as rock bands go, so we're a little different all around.. We all have many influences in Rock music, but what we want to do is promote positive lyrics that give light to positive thinking and concepts in our music. We want to be a band that is a force of music that empowers it's fans and peoples with melodies and songs that are passionate and intense, yet resolve softly after some epic climax that leaves you completely moved emotionally, as if you just walked out of the theater after watching the greatest most epic movie you've ever seen in your life! We want any one of our songs to reach out and put our fans imcompassed in a stolen moment outside of time itself where they can feel every word of every lyric beating inside them as if they themselves had lived that song. We want to make an impact in our world, and quite frankly, we're not stopping until we do!

We've been together coming up on 6 years now, have established a good fan base, a professional producer (Daniel John Riddle, of Mazinga Studios), and have a publishing administrator to communicate with bigger heads in the industry. We don't set any limits for ourselves whatsoever, but set goals to reach above what we assume might be our limitations, thus revealing to ourselves that when you add the right amount of faith to the right amount of persistence and determination, it can only equal success. 

Thank you in advance for reading and checking us out. Have a great day! Cheers!!!



~Paul Davies, of Saint Jacks Parade~


In The Meantime