Mariachi Trio Estrellas De Oro
Based in Cupertino CA
Entertainment Styles:
Mariachi Band, Latin Band, Mexican Band
Mariachi Trio, Mariachi Band, Trio Romantico, Latin Music, Mexican Music, Mariachi, Trio, Mariachi San Francisco, Mariachi San Jose Ca, M Ariachis
"Mariachi Trio Estrellas De Oro" The Best Trio
100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Professional Musicians and Singers.
If you are seeking the Best of the Best Mariachi Trio for your Quinceañeras, Weddings, Fiestas, Manianitas, Serenades, Funerals, Family Reunions, Anniversaries, Festivals, or maybe a simple party. you will not be disappointed. This mariachi Trio has one of the most amazing, soothing, romantic, energetic sounds and must be
seen live to believe!
Mariachi Trio Estrellas De Oro has been recognized by our society one of the best mariachi Trio in town.
Our performances are done with ethics and charisma, besides our punctuality is one of our best assets.
Trio Estrellas De Oro - 408-807-9446 - La Bamba
Video Reviews for Mariachi Trio Estrellas De Oro- 408-807-9446
Prices may vary depending on travel distance/location, date, special performance requirements or required expenses.
Number of Performers:
3 hours
Extra Hourly Rate: