William and the Romantics
Based in Lakewood CO
Entertainment Styles:
Jazz Band, Jazz Band, Swing Band, Swing Band, Cover Band, Dance Band, 20s Band, 30s Band, 40s Band, 50s Band
Jazz Big Band, Jazz Classic American Songbook, Jazz Swing, Dance Swing, Dance Jazz Dancing, Dance, 20s Music, 30s Music, 40s Music, 50s Music
William and the Romantics (W&R) is a twenty-two-piece big band swing group playing in the Denver Metro area. The band consists of eighteen musicians and a four-person vocal ensemble.
W&R plays well-known big band swing covers from a variety of band leaders and singers including: Glenn MIller, Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw, Cab Calloway, Gene Krupa, Ella Fitzgerald, Anita O'Day, The Andrews Sisters, Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin, and many others.
We also play new "neo-swing" songs from groups such as Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, The SwingTips, and Royal Crowne Revue.
Big Band Swing... Embracing Romance.